HID 921PHPNEK0033J pivCLASS SE RPK40-H Smart Keypad Reader, 125 kHz HID Prox, AWID and EM4102, 13.56 MHz Contactless PKI-Based FIPS 201, RS485 HDX OSDP, Pigtail, Standard v1, Wiegand, FIPS 75-BIT, 921PHPNEK0033J
Price: $519.99HID 921PHPNEK0033J pivCLASS SE RPK40-H Smart Keypad Reader, 125 kHz HID Prox, AWID and EM4102, 13.56 MHz Contactless PKI-Based FIPS 201, RS485 HDX OSDP, Pigtail, Standard v1, Wiegand, FIPS 75-BITHID Global's portfolio of pivCLASS readers includes a broad...Price: $519.99 -
HID 921NHPTEK0013T pivCLASS SE RK40-H Smart Card Reader, 13.56 MHz Contactless Supports PKI-Based FIPS 201, RS485 HDX OSDP, Pigtail, Standard v1, FIPS 200-BIT, IPM, 8-BIT MSG, Black, 921NHPTEK0013T
Price: $481.92HID 921NHPTEK0013T pivCLASS SE RK40-H Smart Card Reader, 13.56 MHz Contactless Supports PKI-Based FIPS 201, RS485 HDX OSDP, Pigtail, Standard v1, FIPS 200-BIT, IPM, 8-BIT MSG, BlackThe iCLASS SE® RK40 is part of HID Global's iCLASS SE platform for...Price: $481.92 -
HID 40KTKS-01-00001H Signo 40K Terminal Strip Wall Mount Keypad Reader with Seos Profile, OSDP, Black with Silver Trim, 40KTKS-01-00001H
Price: $381.32HID 40KTKS-01-00001H Signo 40K Terminal Strip Wall Mount Keypad Reader with Seos Profile, OSDP, Black with Silver TrimThe HID Signo Keypad Reader 40K is a founding member of the Signo platform. Offering a truly dynamic approach to secure electronic...Price: $381.32 -
HID 20NKS-00-000LG7 Signo 20 Mullion Pigtail Reader, Standard Profile, Mobile Access Enabled, MOB0698, Format ASP10022, Wiegand, LED Red, Flashing Green, Black with Silver Trim, 20NKS-00-000LG7
Price: $268.35HID 20NKS-00-000LG7 Signo 20 Mullion Pigtail Reader, Standard Profile, Mobile Access Enabled, MOB0698, Format ASP10022, Wiegand, LED Red, Flashing Green, Black with Silver TrimThe HID Signo Keypad Reader 40K is a founding member of the Signo platform...Price: $268.35 -
HID 20KNKS-02-000000 HID 20KNKS-02 Signo 20K Mullion Contactless Smartcard Narrow Keypad Reader, 13.56mHz Profile, OSDP/Wiegand, Pigtail, Mobile Ready, Black with Silver Trim, 20KNKS-02-000000
Price: $409.79HID 20KNKS-02-000000 HID 20KNKS-02 Signo 20K Mullion Contactless Smartcard Narrow Keypad Reader, 13.56mHz Profile, OSDP/Wiegand, Pigtail, Mobile Ready, Black with Silver TrimHID Signo is the signature line of physical access control readers from HID...Price: $409.79 -
HID 921PHRNEK000CU pivCLASS RPK40-H Smart Card Reader, 921PHRNEK000CU
Price: $517.63HID 921PHRNEK000CU pivCLASS RPK40-H Smart Card ReaderpivCLASS READERS FOR "CONTROLLED" AREAS ENABLE HIGH SECURITY, INTEROPERABILITY AND COMPLIANCE Part of an integrated solution from a single, trusted provider - Enables FIPS 201 compliance per NIST SP...Price: $517.63 -
HID 921NMPTEKEA006 RK40 iCLASS SE Reader, Black, 921NMPTEKEA006
Price: $579.01HID 921NMPTEKEA006 RK40 iCLASS SE Reader, BlackThe iCLASS SE® RK40 is part of HID Global's iCLASS SE platform for adaptable, interoperable access control. Designed for multi-factor authentication door applications requiring standard wall switch mounting,...Price: $579.01 -
HID 40KHTKS-03-00059X Signo PIV 40K Keypad Reader, Prox Disabled, Custom Profile, Mobile Ready, Black with Silver Trim, 40KHTKS-03-00059X
Price: $493.59HID 40KHTKS-03-00059X Signo PIV 40K Keypad Reader, Prox Disabled, Custom Profile, Mobile Ready, Black with Silver TrimTHE SIGNATURE LINE OF READERS FROM HID GLOBALHighly Versatile - Support for the widest range of credential technologies, including HID...Price: $493.59 -
HID 40KTKS-02-0003A2 Signo 40K Keypad Reader, Smart Profile, Wiegand, Black with Silver Trim, 40KTKS-02-0003A2
Price: $368.87HID 40KTKS-02-0003A2 Signo 40K Keypad Reader, Smart Profile, Wiegand, Black with Silver TrimTHE SIGNATURE LINE OF READERS FROM HID GLOBALHighly Versatile - Support for the widest range of credential technologies, including HID Mobile Access® via native...Price: $368.87 -
HID 40KNKS-T0-00003C Signo 40K Keypad Reader, Priority Standard Profile, 32-Bit Wiegand, Pigtale, Black with Silver Trim, 40KNKS-T0-00003C
Price: $450.83HID 40KNKS-T0-00003C Signo 40K Keypad Reader, Priority Standard Profile, 32-Bit Wiegand, Pigtale, Black with Silver TrimTHE SIGNATURE LINE OF READERS FROM HID GLOBALHighly Versatile - Support for the widest range of credential technologies, including HID...Price: $450.83 -
HID 40KNKS-00-00003C Signo 40K Keypad Reader, Standard Profile, 32-Bit Wiegand, Pigtale, Black with Silver Trim, 40KNKS-00-00003C
Price: $426.29HID 40KNKS-00-00003C Signo 40K Keypad Reader, Standard Profile, 32-Bit Wiegand, Pigtale, Black with Silver TrimTHE SIGNATURE LINE OF READERS FROM HID GLOBALHighly Versatile - Support for the widest range of credential technologies, including HID Mobile...Price: $426.29 -
HID 20KTKS-T3-000000 Signo 20K Keypad Reader, Terminal, Custome Profile, Black with Silver Trim, 20KTKS-T3-000000
Price: $519.53HID 20KTKS-T3-000000 Signo 20K Keypad Reader, Terminal, Custome Profile, Black with Silver TrimIntroducing the HID 20KTKS-T3-000000 Signo 20K Keypad Reader, a perfect blend of security and style. This sleek black reader with silver trim offers...Price: $519.53