Affinitech Blog
Can Security Cams Be Used As Evidence In Court?
In our last post, we discussed three reasons you may want to consider installing security surveillance systems in your home or business. Here’s another reason to consider the use of security cams—they make for great evidence in court. Unfortunately for home and business owners, most break-ins leave little evidence behind at the scene of the crime. This leaves the police with very little to work from which means that, sadly for you, the crime remains unsolved.Consider though what the difference w
May 9th 2016
3 Types Of Security Cams For Your Home Or Office
In today's world, security can’t be taken for granted. It’s important to do everything you can to keep yourself, your family, and your possessions safe from those who might seek to damage or take advantage of them. Security cameras might seem excessive, but the peace of mind they provide can’t be discountedIf you’re running a business, the need for security cameras is even more pronounced. Your business is your livelihood, it’s the way that your employees feed and shelter their familie
Apr 18th 2016